A variety of courses, assigments and many more activities developed using Platzi as my main source of information.

Description 💡

There are many great concepts I learned with Platzi, many new skills I developed and many others that I still need to work on.

I enjoy taking classes online at Platzi. I became a Platzi Pro member on Febrary 2022 with over 46 courses. For more information regarding my completed courses and certificates, please click on:

Platzi Challenges

Platzi Challenges are another great idea that Platzi has to keep student motivated and always with hanger for learning. Live classes and chat discussions are part of the experience which get you involve with the community and help you create a network.

I had the oportunity to take a few challenges and learn new skills along the way. Some of them harder than others but all a great experience. Here are the once I enjoy the most: Datacademy, Crea tu Portafolio como Web Developer, Crea tu primera página web.

Built With 🔑

This project is based on Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML) and Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) but also has some Javascript (JS).

HTML CSS Js Git Github React

Courses 💻

I enjoy taking courses on Platzi on my spare time. I have learn a lot and developed many skills in the process. Here are some of the courses I took as well as the corresponded link with additional information.

License 📜

Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE.txt for more information.

Projects 🚀

Here are some of the projects that have been developed in 2022.

CSS Grid| Vid-Box | Platzi Day | Layout Template | Mobile First Project | Rock Paper Scissors | Platzi Movies Google Clone | Project 6 | Project 7

Consumo De API_REST: Project 1 | Project 2 | Project 3 | Project 4 | Project 5 | Project 6 | Project 7 | Project 8

CSS Grid: Final Project | Challenge 1 | Challenge 2 | Challenge 3 | propiedadesAlineacion | propiedadesContenedor | propiedadesUbicacion | keywordsEspeciales | funcionesEspeciales

Portfolio | Twitter Clone | Youtube Clone | Timer App | 4pics1word Game | Wordle Game | Pokedex Clone

Acknowledgments 📚

Resources list that I find helpful and would like to give credit to.