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Maintainer Role #6734

My Responsibilities Ok. I've added you to the repo. You should now be able to merge pull requests. Here are some guidelines I follow:
  • Add only developer related conferences
  • No webinars
  • No marketing events
  • No hackathons
  • Check whether the topic really fits to the conference
  • No medicine related conferences - we get a lot of PRs for surgery conferences
  • No Semiconductors, Optoelectronics and Nanostructures conferences
  • A conference must include talks - events like roadshows or conventions without talks are no conferences
  • A conference is an event which has at least 3-4 people from different companies. Events where only people from one company present are not really conferences for me
  • Shorten the URL as much as possible
  • Shorten the conference name as much as possible
  • Check for duplicates before merging
  • The conference name should not contain the year or location - not always possible
  • Check whether the website is reachable
  • Check whether the CFP page is reachable
  • Check whether the twitter URL is correct
  • Check the dates, especially the month and year - sometimes people mix up numbers
  • Check whether the website contains information about the conference and is not a list of multiple conferences or a blog post - I usually just merge PRs where there is a dedicated webpage available
  • Remove tracker parameters from URLs - make the URL as clean as possible. This helps with duplicate detection.
  • Check whether the URL is the original URL - we sometimes get PRs where there is a website which adds an advertisement frame around a real conference
  • Reorder the conferences using `npm run reorder-confs` from time to time - this prevents ugly merge conflicts
  • Be careful with merge conflicts - if you're not careful you can delete valid conferences or add removed conferences
  • If you add a new location - I usually try to use the US English name of the location
  • Locations in the US must have the state like `San Francisco, CA`
  • If you want to add a location which is close to a larger location, I often choose the larger location instead. For example if a conference is close to Detroit, I would rather change the conference location to Detroit than adding a small suburb of Detroit. It's not always simple - in case of doubt you can also ask me
  • If you have a conference for multiple topics and you want to change details, you need to adapt the details for all topics
  • The topic general should be used alone - I would not mix JAVA and General. It's either or.
  • Don't add topics too easy - people sometimes ask to add frameworks or libraries. You need to adapt at least 3-4 places in different projects to add a new topic. It's not that simple.
  • Don't merge a PR if the checks fail
  • Run `npm run test` before pushing
  • Try to keep the test script as fast as possible. Currently the runtime is about 100-200ms
  • If you commit/push directly instead of using the new conference form run `npm run reorder-confs` before pushing to avoid merge conflicts.